Created by Bill Derrington and Jeff Nichols from the Texas A&M VIZ LAB

As students, we spent time in Bonn, Germany for our awesome study abroad. We would go out to the local bars and cafes and draw caricatures of the local people and we happen to run into Jan Loh. We had him draw us and we were able to draw him. We talked to him as much as we could over the several months we were there in Bonn. He became one of our favorite memories from our Germany experience. Jeff had an idea of doing a 3d project of the Alle Mal Malen Mann and I was pissed I didn't think of it first. So this is what we made in about 14 weeks. Jeff Nichols was responsible for the set and props. I was responsible for the character. It's still a work in progress, but we hope you enjoy it.

My concept for the Alle character.



The detail I added to the hands I modeled for the Alle character.



The is a render of Jeff's set models and my character model.